Chronicles oh the Halloween Fest

>> 5.11.10

Hello my fellow Twilighters here again thwarting his plans to escape jajaj what? Well as many know the Fets Halloween this year was held here in Mexico City, leaving behind thousands of delighted fans, good though some did not have the great opportunity to be there and enjoy the charming actors. Crepusculo Mexico have the opportunity to be with them so I'm bringing a chronicle of what happened and the experiences of the chicas. Enjoy it!!

"Stephenie Meyer ever shared a very true statement: "When life offers you a dream that far exceeds any of your expectations, it is unreasonable to bemoan its conclusion."

And go to mourn the end of arguably the best weekend Twilight Series absurd, as the vast experience that began last Friday, October 29 and culminate on Halloween night, be etched in the minds and hearts all those who joined in this journey.

What at the time began with the approach of terror most anticipated event of the year, ended up being the most incredible experience. Fans of the Twilight Saga Twilight Mexico staff living with Charie Bewley and Alex Meraz, became the quintessential activity of the past three days.

And like any dream story, the beginning is well known to all our readers: to be confirmed by the team of Hallow Fest flight plan of the two actors.

Charlie Bewley, the first to play Mexican dream, graced us with his presence at 5AM sharp.

The Welcoming Committee, made up "Twilight" girls Mexico [Standard Pammer, Yare, Maybe and I (Rowsbella)] was aware of your arrival half an hour in advance.

And then appeared.

Con todo y los nervios del momento, nos percatamos que había salido de la zona de equipaje más rápido de lo usual.

Cuando por fin llegamos a su lado, no pude más que darle la bienvenida a nuestro país. Todas terminamos por presentarnos y por preguntarle pos su vuelo.

He assured us that despite all the hours flight from London was a wonderful - and boy did we aware of it to see how it unfolded with freshness, making movements with his arms.

Norma came to ask why so hasty departure and said with a grin that was a very fast guy. All laughed with him for the comment.

As I mentioned in previous post Pamm on Welcome Charlie, realizing he still had free time before he was taken to his hotel, said he was thirsty. A small 7Eleven who was in front of us became the perfect place to take Charlie for a drink. To us said he was thirsty, we decided to go looking for something for him.

However, to be notified that only the OXXO who was outside the international arrivals area was serving at the time, decided to move over there.

On the way to the establishment Norma asked if he had begun his scenes in Breaking Dawn. He said that currently only Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were in New Orleans and then the rest of the cast would join them to record the moments of greatest stress adaptation.

I had the opportunity to ask him about his view of the fourth book in the saga, Breaking Dawn, because I was very curious your perspective now that would be involved in the film. Charlie replied with a mischievous smile that seemed to him that a fifth book would not be a bad idea because in the end of Dawn can only glimpse the happy ending of the husband-Edward and Bella, "have children and are happy forever, but a fifth would like more action and would know most of the rest of the characters. "

Upon arrival at OXXO, look at the beverage shelf. All are sure that you could ask whatever I wanted to what the joke, began to point out several products saying "in this case, I'll take that, and this and that, too."

He finally settled on an Activia yogurt. I take the stand and said "This is good, right?" All nod. After offering a chocolate learned that you do not like sweet things, ended up opening the lid of the yogurt and toast their hosts. His English accent and his lovely kindness filled each of those moments.

When Pamm realized the time and assure you that if they did not see in the international arrivals area believe that we had kidnapped, we took him back. Along the way, agreed to dedicate and autograph books, photographs and banners of welcome. All agree in saying how attractive she was, we hoped had the opportunity to rest and we would be at his side the rest of the weekend, starting with dinner that night we would have next to him and Alex.

When we got to where he would arrive, we find Stephen's manager and representatives of Hallow Fest, who were already waiting. After saying goodbye to each of us and thank us for having gone to pick up so early, even though no one had expected the gesture to him, he walked toward the elevator. A bit distracted way to the opposite side, so all we indicate the right path next to the staff. All boarded the elevator and just before it closed the door, said goodbye with a sweet smile of the committee. The first stop was at an end. We could not believe what just happened.

While Charlie Bewley was heading for Los 40 Principales booth to be interviewed, an occasion on which he learned the term "ayyy, ajáaaaaa" from the boys in the cabin (same as used as a joke with us for the rest of the order week), the committee disbanded temporarily to allow each of its members return to their day's activities: school, work or home.

We reunited again at 4PM on the same site to welcome Alex Meraz. And despite all the inconveniences of traffic, and even hours (because we had an appointment with the actors in the evening for dinner at his side, it could not lose by a delay), several of us girls CrepMex organized for the second step in our agenda.

Shortly before 4pm, outside the international arrivals area, was already an entourage of fans waiting Alex. Unlike the meeting in the morning, many clubs fans had gathered to wait for one of his idols, he soon Norma, Diana, Yare, Maybe, and I join waiting.

Our friend Gaby was already on campus. We spoke of the great dynamics that had emerged in the cabin during the interview with Charlie Bewley, testing the vampire bite had been featured with the actor and the great impression that this had caused it.

With a slight delay of 20 minutes, the flight finally landed Alex and shortly after, the actor appeared in the international arrivals exit by Brandy and her manager that ended up being a much loved member of the experience of this order Weekend: Guarding Breth.

Alex was in charge of signing some of the items that had fans, but unfortunately, the enthusiastic reaction from fans of werewolf made Breth end forming a barrier between the fans and to remove him from the airport. This is largely because one of the guys who joined to welcome the actor was released, causing the same reaction in other people. The measure taken to prevent someone get hurt, closed the autograph session.

s positions with the fans, he showed a bit moody and indifferent, even if the final goodbye with a warm smile.

Just at the moment when we said goodbye to him and we welcomed, we saw him disappear by escalators. Just at the moment when we were preparing to leave the airport, we received one of the most anticipated call of the day: Blockbuster's team had already set the time and place for dinner with the players in the saga. We would after 7PM in a beautiful restaurant in Polanco, a very exclusive terrace where the actors, along with the sponsors, the organizers of the Halloween Fest and the winners would be.

Again, the welcoming committee was dissolved. We find directly on the site of the dinner at night. Other partners who had not had the opportunity to meet with us during the day be part of the final group. We had about two hours to finalize our earrings. And even though the evacuation that occurred in the underground due to the large amount of smoke, the chaotic traffic was starring in Mexico City due to the start of what many saw it as a weekend of bridge (and half), the lot of people out of their homes making it difficult to get a taxi (between the wide range of strange coincidences that starred in several of us to varying degrees), finished arrangements for the big time.

Norma, Diana and I arrived at the restaurant, after searching hard location due to the lack of an appropriate numbering President Masaryk. In the place our colleagues were already there: Yare, Maybe, Rei, Pammer, Fer and Dulce. 9 Twilighters were there, and although there was a final winner, is never able to locate: incredibly, when I called to confirm he had won, turn off your cell phone.

Finally, after three years at Twilight Mexico, all the girls that we had given our lives to this passion we were there, arranged for the occasion, nervous as ever, but with everything together. As friends, as the family who always strive for outward show.

Having given 8PM and being all ready in the room, spend about an hour before we were called to fill the large table set for dinner. Reforma newspaper reporters were there covering the note and taking many photographs. Just at the moment which led us to the big table where you dine (and we would eat for the first time since that morning), the elevator door opened on the left is giving way to Charlie and Alex.

The euphoria back, but all went to our seats with ease. We could not believe it was happening. 5 minutes later, Charlie and Alex caught up with us there. We welcomed them all. Repeat what is said in the morning, there we were, as promised. Although a little surprised at first, at the time in which they sat, the kindness of both great charisma and seized the environment.

The photographs did not wait again. Both always attentive, perched with us and hugged us to appear in catches. Norma Charlie took a screenshot of this morning we were posing with him for the welcome, framed as a gift. Charlie was shocked and I keep it, along with some Mexican sweets Yare I give him and Alex, and some sugar skulls Rei gift them.

Just when we took our seats again, Alex said he also could wear like a true fan: I look at Charlie, and stroking his face feigned a girl's voice saying "you're so handsome Charlie, I'm your number one fan." All laugh. Then Alex emphasized that we had given a gift to Charlie to which we explained that the picture that he gave Charlie was part of the airport welcome and no opportunity for us to take the photo together with him we had not brought one for him. We finally said he was joking around, but he answered that it was also clear that we appreciated.

Gaby served as the official interpreter for dinner. The same, consisting of three times, suddenly filled with many questions. Alex understood Spanish well because of her Mexican roots, in a couple of occasions indicated that he would like to visit Mexico and Michoacan town of his mother.

Wine is served continuously on the tops of all attendees and even the toast on our side of the large table was carried out on several occasions for our special guests, the other side of the table with the representatives and organizers Hallow's Fest also seemed very lively.

Alex told us, and because of their looks sullen at the airport, it appears that the werewolf is having migraines in recent years and the pressure in his temples is often so strong that not only makes your eyes watery but put the pain prevent concentrated or be in a good mood.

Charlie and Alex proved, apart from wine, a couple of typical Mexican drinks horse presentation, mezcal and tequila. It seemed like the taste before the main course was served, the horses were already empty.

During our conversation, I had the opportunity to ask Charlie if he had referred to new projects. I replied that time was completely focused on the Twilight Saga, but did not rule out that in the future will devote all his time to something new.

I asked both players for their favorite vampire films: Charlie replied with a smile despite Interview with the Vampire was an excellent adaptation and a good movie, it was about vampires very "gay" and she did not imagine the all if he could feel comfortable falling in love with another vampire, or "coming together forever." Alex on the other hand, mentioned that his favorite movie was Bram Stoker's Dracula for the depth with which Gary Oldman played the vampire had effects in which is monstrous and then liked them very attractive.

Speaking from the set of recording their experiences, we realized the great chemistry between the guys. Charlie mentioned that people with the best takes on the job is with the kids Volturi and part of the pack of werewolves, including Alex. Comment that had just come from a French convention and that the experiences accumulated in the latter have been wonderful because he has known many places and learned about many cultures through the fans.

Even get to mention that his parents did not understand at all this euphoria about the work that was, it was a "good for you son", since they could not envision how it is that the phenomenon had changed so radically life.

After the dishes of the two types of menus that are offered to all attendees were served, the trust between the guests and we rise. Charlie and Alex joked a lot with each other and knew we found that several sets of words with double meaning in our language.

Norma came to tell Charlie he was very handsome, when he noticed his gaze. He then began his joke that he was gay. I take as parameter the character in the film, because in his words, is clear of the sexual openness but also conformity and the desire to look the same at all times on the screen.

Alex spoke of his scenes mostly scantily clad, which reached him uncomfortable in the cold so peculiar locations.

The intimacy with which the conversation took was most amazing, really behaved very kind to us at all times. At the time Charlie wanted to try the dishes of the other menus and you could see our food come so he could take a bite and give their verdict, that because the dessert, with sweet, was not entirely to his liking (remember your previous statement against this flavor).

For the main course, there was a moment that proved one of the stuffed breads that were willing to accompany the dish. I remember being inclined direction to the place we occupied Norma and I to give us bread. "Have you tried it? Should, this bread tastes great! "And what was right.

At the end of the dinner, given our good wishes for the weekend of Halloween Fest and in my case, who had not had a chance to take a picture with Charlie at dinner, I was able to agree. Gaby went to him and said: "She is president of the fan club and is one of your biggest fans." He turned to me and with a sweet smile she said "president" in his best Spanish accent. After repeated two more times, opened his arms to embrace me near and we took the picture together.

My emotion and all that erupted after the parting came. A dream come true for each of us. Had yet to return the gesture to say goodbye, to thank us for everything, for receiving, for being there with them, to share our passion with them. It was one o'clock and we expect even a long way home and a long journey. Our adventure and in the event beginning at 7 AM and we still had to tweak some details. With just a few hours of sleep and everything is ready, we embarked on a new day ....

Within Hallow Fest event that took place last weekend in Mexico City, organized the party called "Midnight Madness" for the 40 major and actors Charlie Bewley and Alex Meraz were announced as guests. The only requirement to enter the party was going in disguise, a requirement which must also meet the actors.

Because Charlie and Alex had not seen what the disguise, they had to wear. So to me Rows and (Pamm) asked us to find them something to wear during the party and look like a costume but was single at the same time. We enter the stands that were in the expo and took pictures of everything we thought we would to like Charlie and Alex. Among the photos we took were as follows:

When Alex saw the picture said "Those! I will use the black and tell Charlie that he will use the white. I dress all in black and white Charlie. Then we embrace and we like the Ying Yang."

After that we went to Charlie and asked him if he liked the idea, he said yes, but there was a problem. "Do not bring white pants, but do not worry, I'll manage," said Charlie and then went to prepare for the party.

We are left with the question of how Charlie would fix the problem of his pants, but none of us imagined it would.

As he entered the party, we realized that instead of pants he wore ... A white sheet tied around his waist! We could not stop laughing because of that.

Indeed Charlie and Alex are very funny and some kids just like Yin and Yang are complementary to perfection.

Thanks to Hallow Fest had the chance to live very bristle with Charlie Bewley and Alex Meraz over the weekend and being so close to them was impossible not to discover their hidden talents. One thing that struck us most is that they both really like the drawing. And during their free time during the event, let your imagination.
For Alex said he was very relaxing and, as mentioned before and has migraine headaches, make you feel better. He simply chose to various lines around it.

And in the case of Charlie simplemtente say it was another way to show the great love you have for yourself (all notice it right? XD), was also the only way to keep him if only for a moment (ja).

As you know, Charlie says Demetri, his character in the Saga, is "the most powerful vampire and coolest of all" and could not dejárnoslo clearer. His drawing is titled "Super Demetri" and the Volturi is equipped with a super body and especially a laser eye, as Charlie, is mortal.
Both, as you can see, are a case of monkey. Stay tuned we have more, much more about the Halloween Fest and their guests of honor.


>> 4.1.10

"No tengas miedo", le susurré.

"Somos como una sola persona"

De pronto me abrumó la realidad de mis palabras.

Ese momento era tan perfecto, tan auténtico.

No dejaba lugar a la duda.

Me rodeó con los brazos, me estrechó contra él y hasta la última de

mis terminaciones nerviosas cobró vida propia.

"Para siempre"concluyó

1.Contada por Bella humana: Narra la boda y la luna de miel, desde el anuncio oficial del acontecimiento (a Charlie, René e invitados) hasta el viaje de novios a isla Esme (regalo de Carlisle a su esposa que Esme les cedió para pasar la Luna de miel). Edward cumple con su trato posterior a la boda, ya tras unos días Bella descubre que está embarazada.
¿Que hara Bella? ¿Sobrevivira a este mortal embarazo? ¿Cuando lo que más amas en la vida es lo que te esta matando te quedas sin opsciones, acaso es posible luchar aunque eso lo lastime gravemente?

2.Contada por Jacob: todo lo que ocurre desde la perspectiva de Jacob Black, mejor amigo de Bella, sobre el embarazo de esta, la separación del clan quileute encabezado por Sam para proteger a Bella y la creación de una nueva manada con Seth y Leah Clearwater donde él asume la posición de "alfa". Bella da a luz a una híbrida entre vampiro y humano a la que llama Renesmee, y que tras el parto la deja al borde de la muerte.
¿podra Bella sobrevivir o morira? ¿Podra Jacob resistir todo esto?

3.Contada de nuevo por Bella: Bella es transformada en vampiro para salvar su vida y regenerar su cuerpo, ya que durante el parto se le rompieron muchos huesos y perdió mucha sangre. Nos cuentan la historia de los niños vampiros, convertida en un tabú y de su terminante prohibición. Irina, de clan más hermanado de los Cullen ve a Renesmee en el bosque y piensa precipitadamente que es una niña inmortal. Los Vulturis son avisados por Irina y planean matar a Renesmee y a los Cullen responsables del crimen. Así, los Cullen se ven obligados a reunir amigos vampiros de todo el mundo para servir de testigos y convencer a los Vulturis que Renesmee no es una niña vampira.

¿Podran los cullen y los demas vampiros sobrevivir a los Volturi? ¿Podra Bella perservar todo lo que ama sin perder a nadie?

Descubrelo en la cuanrta y ultima entregas de la saga literaria más imprensionante de todos los tiempos.


"De pronto, saltó una chispa de intuición en aquel silencio sepulcral y encajaron todos los detalles...
Algo que Eward no quería que supiera.
Algo que Jacob no me hubiera ocultado .
Algo que había hecho que los Cullen y los licántropos anduvieran juntos por los bosques en peligrosa proximidad.
Algo que, de todos modos, había esperado.
Algo que yo sabía que volvería a ocurrir, aunque deseara con todas mis fuerzas que no fuera así
¿Es que nunca jamás se iba a terminar? "

Bella se encuentra de nuevo en peligro: una serie de misteriosos asesinatos está sembrando el pánico en la localidad y hay un ser maligno tras ella, sediento de venganza. Además, tendrá que elegir entre su amor por Edward y su amistad con Jacob, consciente de que su decisión podrá desencadenar definitivamente la guerra entre vampiros y hombres lobo. Mientras, se va acercando su graduación y tendrá una decisión más que tomar: vida o muerte

¿Que desidira Bella? ¿Podra Victorio saldar su deuda? ¿Que es lo que de verdad siente Bella Por Jacob? ¿Es solo una amistad o es más que eso?

No te puedes perder la tercera entrega de esta saga que a cautvado a millones de personas alrededor del mundo

KazZ CulLeN LautneR

>> 17.10.09

Ella es:: Cassandra
Su imagen favorita::

Tiene:: 14 Años
Su cumpleaños es el:: 28 de Octubre
Ella es:: emhh... es complicado pero es humampirantropa hahahaha =D
Odia:: La gente hipócrita
Sus películas favoritas son::
*Harry Potter
*A walk to remember
*Varias de Disney...
Sus libros favoritos::
*La Saga de Crepúsculo
*Harry Potter
*Querido Nadie

Una de nuestra reporteras más dedicadas sin duda... Una linda persona, alguien en quien confiar! Una gran amiga, claro super hiperactiva y especial... Así es KaZz!! =D


>> 7.9.09


Está sección está en edición!!!

Displays también!! Ten paciencia ^^




>> 6.9.09

Tribu Quileute<<->>Nómadas

::Tribu Quileute::

Familia Cullen<<->>Vulturis

::Familia Cullen::

Triángulo Amoroso<<->>Tribu Quileutes